A Look into the Life of Mr. Truffa
October 10, 2018
Mr. Truffa is a well-known English teacher to some, and maybe not as known to others. He enjoys teaching students with a motto of “That every student has a chance to succeed”. If he could teach any other class he said it’d be Social Studies or History. Although, if he wasn’t a teacher at the wonderful EPCHS, he’d be a fiction or poetry writer. Even though he adores teaching, he doesn’t like grading assignments or being unprepared, because it can ruin a whole day. Nobody is cool all throughout life, sometimes not even in high school, which includes Mr. Truffa. According to him, “I thought I was really cool, but I wasn’t”. Most people played an instrument as a child, Mr. Truffa was no exception as he played the piano till he was 24 years old. As you may already know, he supervises the game club on Thursday, but one of his favorite pastimes is Ice-Hockey. Playing or watching, he finds it very entertaining any time of the day.