Snowball 2021 Wants You!

Grace Sisto, Staff Writer

2020 has been one of the craziest years written in history.  However, 2021 will be a year that we can work on making society a much happier and better place.  Evergreen Park Community High School will be hosting the virtual 2021 Snowball on Zoom for FREE!!  Students will have the opportunity to see different speakers, witness the student talent show, and socialize with their classmates. Students will also get involved with discussion groups, workshops, and many different activities.  

Students can ask any of our veterans or alumni that have attended in previous years. Snowball is a second home to most people because it’s a safe and well respected place to be. It is a place to meet new people and enhance leadership skills. Snowball, to most people at EPCHS, is the place to be themselves without judgement.  Snowball and leadership is one of the top events and clubs at EPCHS, which is also one of the most recommended activities to attend.  

Snowball will be held virtually on January 15 and 16, 2020. It will be from 4pm until 8pm on Friday the 15th, and 12pm until 6pm on Saturday.  All students that fill out the form and send it to Mr. Minarik [email protected] will get a swag bag including a shirt and snowball essentials.

The entire Snowball 2020 crew poses in the snow…having a ball…