The EPCHS New Year’s Resolutions

Several students were polled about their New Year’s Resolutions. Here are some of best ones!


Read more books– Heidi Burke

Lose weight– Kylie Doherty

Staying healthy and keeping my family healthy.- Kiara Smith

Find new hobbies Aliyah Polk

I want to train harder and push myself.- Rocco Cipolla

To be more productive– Samantha Ricks

To get good grades and have a good GPA.– Ariana Madison

To never give up– Caroline Duffy

I don’t really have one, I guess I’m just hoping next year will be better.-Matthew Summers

Workout and start photography – Josh Owens 

Have a better year than last year and go to a lot of football showcases.-Deijon Deliciano

To……….. I don’t know I’m pretty perfect already lol– Dario Guadarrama

To get all A+ on my report cards.- Shyair Rowser

Have a good year and make a college decision.- Grace Sisto

Get rich– Darryl Smith

To get in better shape– Taylor Yeaman

To pass high school– Faythe Huerta

Better grades– Taylor Haygood

To improve myself– Raziyah Adrow

Start working out and playing less video games to get in shape for swimming– Nathan Fernandez

My New Years’ resolution for 2021 is to have fun and hang out with my friends. I want to do better in school and stress less about little things.-Jessica Rojas

To get even better at cooking–  Kayla Hudson

To be happy– Cristina Loya